A horror thriller from the 1950s, Invasion of the Body Snatchers takes a classic American small town and turns it into the site of an insidious alien invasion. One by one, family and neighbors in this tight-knit community are replaced … More


Packed with gripping chase scenes on the freeways—and in the flood channels—of Los Angeles, Terminator 2 is a visual effects-driven action film with a heart. A boy and his battle-hardened mother are caught between two warring cyborgs from the future: one … More


Alien 1979

A tense and thrilling horror film set in the depths of space, Alien features one of the creepiest and most lethal alien monsters of all time. An extraterrestrial larva attacks and infects a crewmember, and using the most gruesome of … More


An action-packed clash between two larger than life figures, Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan pits the starship Enterprise against Khan—a vengeful and genetically enhanced war criminal. Obsessed with avenging the death of his wife, Khan is determined to outwit … More


Fast-paced and quick-witted, Back to the Future is a time travel comedy that zaps an average high school student thirty years into the past—right into the middle of his parent’s high school courtship during the 1950s. To make matters worse, his mother … More


A milestone science fiction film, Planet of the Apes holds a mirror to society—revealing a backwards world where apes rule and man is a primitive animal. After travelling at near light speed and surviving a crash landing, three crew members find themselves stranded … More


Terminator 1984

An action thriller from the word ‘go,’ The Terminator is about the nightmare of fleeing from an indestructible robot assassin. Sent to the present from a future controlled by machines, a ruthless and logical android  … More